Exchange rates: 1 EUR = 4.69 PLN; 1 USD = 4.4 PLN [more...]
Language: polski english

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Category: Energy & Raw materials -> Mining industry -> Metal ore

Country: India

Language of presented products: All | polish | english

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[India]Oxygen Road Tank

We oxygengastank dot com are manufacturer and supplier of oxygen gas tanks, lpg gas tanks, nitrogen gas tank, hydrogen gas tanks, carbon dioxide gas tanks, propane gas tanks, ammonia gas tanks, chlorine gas tanks, sulphur dioxide gas tanks, propylene gas tanks, ethylene gas tanks, ethanol gas tank, ethylene oxide gas tanks, CNG gas tanks, argon gas tanks, oil tanks, gas tanks, Surge vessels , argon, gas Pressure Vessels & Pressure Equipments, lpg semitrailer transport tank ,LIN, LOX, Lar, LNG[...]


[India]iron ore

indian ore fines 63+ available from eastren and westren ports from india,if any one intrested please contact us.[...]


[India]Chrome Ore Concentrate

Ready stock at our benification plant[...]
